It has been such an interesting time here at Koaw Nature. I am so thankful to all who contribute towards the content and to those who are learning from it.
WEBSITE: The website is pretty much revamped! The new layout is easier to navigate and much simpler on the eyes.
MAMMALZ: One of the co-founders of Mammalz contacted me about joining their platform. This is a pure Nature/environment/animals/science platform that is like a mashup of YouTube and Instagram. Mammalz is just out of beta. I really believe this platform has great values. I’ll be posting more content on that site in due time. Come find me!
CURRENT PROJECTS: I usually have a handful of projects in the works at any given time. As for the weekly videos, it’s sort of all being done on a whim as COVID hampered a lot of collaborations I was hoping to put together.
I am working on a Lepomis ID video. These are sunfishes common all across North America. They are very hard to distinguish from one another and they can all hybridize with one another. The hybrids are even more difficult to identify! I’ve been out catching hundreds of sunfishes in the attempts to find interesting hybrids and solid photos of specimens. How can I complain about that work? I’m fishing!
ET MOI?: I am in the last stages of moving. I might stay in Virginia for a little longer and I might go somewhere else; I’m undecided but not stressing about it. I’ve always repeated the old adage: Beggars can’t be choosers. I am not a rich man therefore I must endeavor within my fiscal limits.
Thanks for reading. Cheers! -K