By Koaw 2023,
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These features can also be plugged into the Quick Esox ID App/Key, of which, mostly follows the data within the chart but may also offer more information for an identification for overlapping characteristics on a specimen.
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This chart is created from various data from various resources. This chart may be updated from time-to-time as I gather more data and/or encounter additional data from other publications.
Black, J. D., & Williamson, L. O. (1946). Artificial hybrids between muskellunge and northern pike. Trans. of the Wisc. Aca. of Sci., 38, 299-314.
Casselman, J. M., Crossman, E. J., Ihssen, P. E., Reist, J. D., & Booke, H. E. (1986). Identification of Muskellunge, Northern Pike, and their Hybrids. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ., 15, 14-46.
Crossman, E. J. (1962). The Redfin Pickerel, Esox a. americanus in North Carolina. Copeia, 1962(1), 114-123.
Crossman, E. J. (1966). A Taxonomic Study of Esox americanus and Its Subspecies in Eastern North America. Copeia, 1, 1-20. doi:
Crossman, E., & Buss, K. (1965). Hybridization in the Family Esocidae. J. Fish. Res. Bd., 22(5).
Eddy, S. (1944). Hybridization between Northern Pike (Esox lucius) and Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy). Jour. of the Minn. Acad. of Sci., 12(1), 38-43.
Koaw. (2023). Select Morphometrics and Meristics of Esocids. Koaw Nature - KNFS. Retrieved from http://www.koaw/org/esoxdatakoaw
Raney, E. C. (1955). Natural hybrids between two species of pickerel (Esox) in Stearns Pond, Massachusetts. Supp't to Fish. Rept. for some central, eastern and western Mass. lakes, ponds and reservoirs, 1951-1952.