My most recent musky; not a beast but still a pleasure to catch nonetheless.
Esox is a genus of fishes that has always captivated my attention. I have extensively researched each species and the hybrids within this genus. Catching these species within Esox has always been one of my most enjoyable pastimes. Each species has found the end of my fishing line, even some natural hybrids.
The purpose of this guide is to thoroughly expand upon existing field guides for easier, more reliable identifications. I wanted to make a guide free-to-all with detailed graphics and specimen photos that no other guide has ever offered. The information should be valuable to anglers as well as to researchers, just as was accomplished with my Lepomis guide from 2021.
I gladly thank the Koaw Nature/KNFS Patrons from Patreon who support this work. Their contributions assist me in covering some of my software and field work expenses. Another thanks to the photo contributors—please note on each graphic/image who may have supplied the photo and/or caught a particular specimen. Finally, a huge thanks to all the past and current researchers that have offered valuable information about these wonderful species.
Fish responsibly and good luck!