By Koaw - 2021
I have a lot of respect for birds that fish. That’s probably because I’m a fisher myself. The patience of these birds is beyond admirable.
Bluey is a frequent resident to my backyard. This subadult great blue heron has made a habit of fishing from a log that is meant for turtles. (Though I don’t mind it being a multispecies log!)
It’s just amazing to see a bird that only weighs about 5 pounds swallowing a fish that weighs almost 1 lb. Image eating 20% of your body weight in one sitting! That’d be quite a meal.
And yes, choking is a hazard that these birds must deal with. On occasion, a great blue heron may bite off more than they can chew and death results. (That expression almost fits perfectly, however the great blue heron typically doesn’t chew; most prey is just swallowed whole!)
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
- Aristotle