By Koaw - 2021
The drop-shot fishing rig is a versatile fishing rig. It’s a multispecies rig that works in various water types. This rig can be fished in very shallow water down to very great depths.
The drop-shot rig, in its truest form, is a finesse rig that requires an angler to give action to the bait. Various baits may be used on the drop-shot from live baits to artificial lures. Soft plastics that mimic live prey items are very commonly used, especially for black basses (largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, etc.) in North America. The true power of the drop-shot is the ability to localize a presentation at specific depths.
A comprehensive video on the drop-shot rig.
The adjacent KNFS video on the drop-shot rig teaches how to tie a drop-shot rig with a Palomar Knot starting at timestamp 2:50.
Tying the drop-shot rig may be done with various knots. The Palomar Knot with a modified tag end is the simplest knot to use on this rig and is usable with all line types and with most hook types.
The adjacent video is full of useful information for any angler, not just those fishing the drop-shot. For us anglers, understanding how our rigs appear underwater offers important information to help us catch a fish. Sometimes understanding how a rig appears underwater isn’t so straightforward. There might be a thing or two you could pick up in this KNFS video, free-to-view on YouTube.
The KNFS Drop-Shot Simulator is found here. This simulator allows you to visualize how your rigs appear underwater and lets you make adjustments before you even hit the water.